U.S. History Syllabus


To: Parents/ Guardians

From: Heather Wilkerson, NBCT

Re: U.S. History CP/Honors

I am your child’s teacher for U.S. History and I would like to welcome you to Hanahan High School. I want to open a line of communication between us so we can work together so your child can fulfill his/her potential and succeed academically. On this Memo you will find an overview of what is expected from your child in my class.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be on time. Unexcused tardies will result in detention.
  2. Follow all school rules.
  3. Be prepared to learn.
  4. Students are to respect the teacher and other classmates.

Consequences for infractions:

  1. Student is warned.
  2. Student will be assigned detention during lunch or after school.
  3. Parents will be notified of student’s behavior.
  4. Referral will be written to the grade level administrator.

A student will automatically be sent to an administrator for:

Disruptive behavior, fighting, vandalism, cutting class, and possession of unlawful material.

Course Requirements:

  1. Writing instruments (pens or pencils) must accompany you each day; the teacher will not supply one.
  2. Textbooks and assignments must always accompany the student to class; each student is responsible for his/her book and must replace lost or stolen books. Repeated lack of bringing their book to class will result in detention.
  3. Tests will be assigned as standards that are completed. Quizzes, notes and worksheets will be given as needed.
  4. Make-up work:
    1. You have five (5) school days to make up missed school work after you return to school with an excused absence.
    2. All previously assigned work is due the day you return to class. Example: Projects- NO EXCEPTION.


            Cheating will be defined as copying another students homework or turning in someone else’s work, daily work, tests, and having unsanctioned notes during a test, looking on another students paper during a test, and /or speaking out loud during a test in a way that would assist another student or themselves on a test.  Following Hanahan High School’s policy, any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and their parents will be notified.

Supplies needed:

  1. Each student is required to have a 3-ring binder. This will be used to keep all work done in class. A 1 ½ in. binder should be big enough to hold their work, notes, and workbook/reading guide.
  2. Loose leaf paper.
  3. Writing instruments.
  4. USB Memory stick. We have a class set of Netbooks that the students will have access to everyday and they will need this to save their work.

Content covered in U.S. History:

Jamestown – Present day

The Content will be aligned with the South Carolina State Standards for U.S. History. We will be using the textbook United States History by Pearson.

Please feel free to contact me at the school anytime to confer about any concerns. As always, progress reports will be distributed in the middle of each quarter, and report cards issued at the end of each quarter. The reports will advise you of your child’s progress. I do call parents if a student is not working up to his/her ability. Please make sure you check your student’s grades through the school’s PowerSchool computer system because this will be the best primary means of communication concerning your child’s academic status at school. I also have a web site that you can access by going to the school’s web page. I will be listing extra credit and activities on this site.

This course is one of the social studies requirements for graduation. I look forward to having a great school year in U.S. History. As stated before, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the progress of your child.

E-mail address: wilkersh@bcsdschools.net

Phone #: 843-820-3710   ext.: 2103

Please sign the bottom of this page and detach this back page. The signed part should be returned to me by way of your child. Please provide any input on how best to make your child successful in U.S. History that you think I should know. Please also list any contact information you feel I should have in order to best get in touch with you when there are concerns.

Parent’s Name: _________________________________________________________

Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________

Home Phone Number: _____________________________________________________

Mom’s Cell Number: _______________________________________________________

Dad’s Cell Number: ________________________________________________________

Address:  ________________________________________________________________


E-Mail Address- Mom’s: ____________________________________________________

                           Dad’s: _____________________________________________________


_____________________________________          _________________________________

Parent/Guardian- Signature                                       Student- Signature